Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Breyers No Sugar added Double Churn light ice cream in Vanilla

Okay, I know we aren't suppose to have ice cream after this surgery. I mean isn't that the whole point of having the surgery in the first place to be able to stop eating the things that made you fat in the first place? I know ice cream was a HUGE part of the reason I was so big. I still want the loving arms of my two favorite guys when I am upset, you guessed it, good old Ben and Jerry. I can't have that ever again as I dump on fat and high sugar, thank goodness. But like a nutritionist once told me, technology has made it possible for us to produce foods that nature never could. It has therefore made it possible to gain weight and be malnutritioned at the same time. It has even made it possible to stick to a high protein diet while eating chips and candy flavored treats. I think that is part of the reasons why some people fail to loose on high protein diets. I was shocked at all of the "vegan" cookies and treats I was able to find when I went vegan for a year (I lost 30 pounds and stalled). So having said that, I try to stay away from ice cream now, even the low sugar and fat variety as it is still easy for me to over do it. Ice cream is one of those foods that goes down easy so it very easy to eat way more than the 1/2 cup serving. This ice ream has a pretty good texture for being low fat (4 grams, 2.5 saturated) and a pretty good flavor. We used it in diet Dr. Pepper (takes out the carbonation) as floats. Husband tried it with sugar free chocolate syrup and said it was "okay" that way too. Each 1/2 cup serving contains, 80 calories, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of sugar, 4 grams of sugar alcohol, and 2 grams of protein. It also only contains only 6% of your RDA of Calcium so basically this stuff is wasted calories. If you realize that and think of it that way, and are able to regulate your portions, then this stuff isn't bad for a occasional treat or for something to bring to a celebration so you can actually be assured there will be something you can actually eat when everyone else is eating the high fat regular stuff. I personally will stick to Skinny cows and other sugar free/ low fat frozen bars as it is much harder for me to go back for a second bar or ice cream sandwich but it is very easy to scoop myself out a cup or more of ice cream into a bowl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still pre-op, so I'm only speculating here, but could it be possible to add protein into the ice cream by softening and blending it in? It could be a way to get added protein and still enjoy a treat now and then. :)