Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Premier nutrition high protein bars

My husband begged for these when we came across them at our local Costco. I didn't want anything to do with a protein bar that has 290 calories, even if it does contain 30 grams of protein. I hear almost 300 calories per bar and think, "4 of these puppies counts as all of my calories for the whole day! What if they aren't very filling?" Well, they are filling if you can swallow the whole thing. I tried to get Lilith to take a bite to photograph for this review and she tasted a bit of the bars coating and ran away screaming, "no, no. no" while spitting. That should be my review right there, baby punishment bars.
I hate these things! I hate to open one of each flavor for this review because I knew someone would have to eat them now. (I am too cheap to throw them out but in this case, if husband won't eat them, they may get tossed!) They are so bad, my husband wanted to take them back to Costco. What makes them so bad?!? Well for me; the coating is weird, it tastes fakie, the bars have what I guess is suppose to be a nougat type texture, )I am not and never was a big fan of the real stuff and I am certainly not a fan of this weird chemical imitation), if you can manage to eat even half of one, they are so heavy that they sit in your pouch like a little lead brick of doom that you spend the next few hours praying that you will either vomit out or that it will pass on its own as you are sick of the pain and the inability to eat or drink anything else for hours, no this is not an exaggeration. This has happened when it was the first thing I tried in the morning, on an empty pouch! This has happened on 2 different flavors. To be fair, I haven't tried the double chocolate crunch flavor but even husband hates them (this guy eats 3-4 protein bars a day so the fact that he won't touch these, says a lot!) and he loves chocolate anything. They have a few soy crunchies mixed in with the fake nougat which instead of helping, just makes things worse and makes them even drier and the texture even more bizarre. They also have 10 grams of sugar per bar and 9 grams of fat each. They also have 23-25 grams of carbohydrates each. I couldn't find one redeeming thing to say about these puppies but there must be someone out there that likes them because Costco is still stocking them after three months. I don't think these are a very good option for post weight loss surgery patients of for weight loss in particular, unless you feel you have been very bad and need to be punished! If I was a iron pumping Muscle and Fitness model, I don't think I would eat these as steroids don't take away your sense of taste do they?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Costco Member, this is when you enact the Costco return policy. They will take anything back and I mean anything...take them back.