Monday, September 21, 2009

My mouth is feeling better..this is kind of a bad thing

last weeks calorie intake from
Total cals:1,691Net cals:1,691
Total cals:2,060Net cals:2,060
Total cals:560Net cals:560
Total cals:1,820Net cals:1,820
Total cals:985Net cals:985
Total cals:1,195Net cals:1,195

I promised Lilith the Castle (aka Mc Donalds with a castle playland in it) and ate a southwestern salad (grilled) and we all shared a medium french fry. This was Wednesday. As you can see from that days calorie totals, it was downhill from there. Mc Donalds is a gateway food for me (especially if I have their ice cream), meaning that eating it makes me more agreeable to eating other naughty, nutritionally void foods. It didn't help that the counter girl messed up on a Mc Flurry and offered it to husband , who took it. Not that I am blaming husband or Mc Donalds for my weakness. I gladly shared it with him and I was all too happy to eat a chocolate chip cookie later, etc, etc. I usually do fine if I just have a salad and maybe even if I share a french fry or two but once you throw a dessert in to the mix, you can forget it. I am kind of having the last meal syndrome in reverse. I have been unable to eat anything that required any type of chewing for so long that I am only to eager to eat anything crunchy, even if I wasn't eating it before all of this began. I need to put a stop to this because as of right now I am not loosing, that is bad enough, but I realize a few more days like Wednesday and I might start gaining and that would be worse!

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