Wednesday, May 07, 2008

our freak snow storm had the snow plowers being careless

We had a freak snow storm the last week of April. We thought this must be normal after all this is Alaska right? Well, turns out, it isn't normal, even for Alaska. Several tire shops were already running "change over" specials so there were lots of vehicles out there driving without snow tires when this 8 foot+ dump of snow happened. It wasn't one of them that got the hello kitty mobile, it was the teen age jack %^&$$# that the hospital, where I work, hired to plow their parking lot at the last minute. He berried my bug and when I started to dig it out, I saw that the hello kitty mobile now has a black eye! What did the jerk have to say for himself?! "awh, gee, I was trying to get it done before 7am, umm uh sorry". As the male RN that helped to dig my car out said, "Tell it to your insurance company buddy!"

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