Tuesday, April 22, 2008

how healthy is a little competition?

I was at the gym yesterday and a woman was peddling away next to me. This was in the "cardio theater" area (meaning they have tons of different types of cardio equipment set up right in front of about 20 different 32" + sized TVs with each cardio machine having a receiver attached so you can hook up headphones and tune into any of the TVs and listen to what ever show is on). I am really into the program that was on (Think VH1 celebreality) so I didn't notice till about 15 minutes had gone by that when I would speed up during the commercials, this woman was doing it too. I thought, "hey, someone else does that too." and didn't give it another thought till the show that I was interested in was over and I slowed my pace while I was glancing at the other TVs trying to decide which one to tune into. I decided on a news network (hey gotta balance the garbage with something somewhat educational) and started peddling pretty fast as I was trying to hit a certain distance before I quit for the day. I noticed the woman next to me looks exasperated and starts peddling hard also. I swear I could almost hear her thinking, "Darn I thought it was cool down time". I reached my goal and being my naughty self, stopped my hard peddling and got right off, no cool down as it was time to get Lilith. The woman stopped abruptly also but continued to sit on the bike as I got up and left. Maybe I should have said something or at least smiled at her as I was leaving but to be honest, the whole thing kind of weirded me out a little. Is that so wrong?my gym here!

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