Sunday, September 06, 2009

TMI story

Back when I was engaged to my husband, he took me up to his mothers house in the mountains. She made us dinner and I didn't want to make her feel bad but I really was questioning the cleanliness of her house and of her food prep area but I didn't want to offend her so I ate the food anyway. It was a LONG drive back to our house and I finally had to tell my future husband that he would have to stop somewhere soon as I didn't think I could make it home. He smiled nervously at me and admitted that he didn't think he would make it home either so we ended up at a 24 hour King Soopers (grocery store) and headed to the bathrooms. Unfortunately for us, this store, as with in many King Soopers, didn't have doors on the bathrooms it just had a wall with signs directing you to one side for women and the other for the men. We went in and it was awful. I was trying so hard to be quiet considering the no door situation but to make matters worse these bathrooms were also right by the employee time clock/break room. Next thing I knew I heard a mans voice from out in the hall bellowing, "Oh MY GAWD! OHHH ugh!" I tried not to laugh and instead loudly expelled more- well you know. It was greeted with even more loud protests from the person in the hall. I too was afraid now to leave the stall. Finally, I ventured out and was washing my hands when a large arm holding a can of air freshener poked around the entrance to the bathroom and sprayed. I almost died. My poor husband apparently got the whole person in the men's restroom spraying the air freshener while he cowered in the stall. I haven't eaten my mother in laws cooking since.

For your ammusment I am attaching a link to a story about the best public bathrooms;

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