Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not bad for another week of horrible dental procedures

Total cals:1,530Net cals:1,530 view details
Total cals:520Net cals:520 view details
Total cals:750Net cals:750 view details
Total cals:1,640Net cals:1,640 view details
Total cals:2,056Net cals:2,056 view details
Total cals:1,366Net cals:1,366 view details
Total cals:170Net cals:170 (so far today)
The most glaring problem is my lack of exercise for last week. I just couldn't motivate myself to do it. First I blamed the depression prior to having my two ( perfectly healthy before the bad dentist drilled them away to nothing for a bridge) teeth pulled, then I blamed the pain and medications after having them pulled, and finally I blamed the need to work overtime to recoup some of our financial losses from the bad dentist. ( all of the missed work and extra daycare resulting from the extra appointments to normal dentist trying to correct the bad dentist work. You can guess how well that went) I have allot of excuses for not exercising and not eating better but now I need to clean up and put away the cake from my pity party (there wasn't really any cake as I couldn't have eaten it anyway due to my teeth or lack there of) and get back on track. It is like my mother always said, "Yes, something bad happened to you. Now you have a choice, can sit around and let this person keep hurting you by continuing to feel sorry for yourself (and pretending to eat imaginary cake) or you can get up, dust yourself off and continue living your life the best you can thereby showing this person that you are stronger than anything they can do to you." Sounds nice and it makes sense, the whole living well is the best revenge mindset, but it is hard to do. I tried to eat a salad the other day and it hurt for hours afterwards. I realize there is a reason they warn you about eating too many slider foods. Those calories add up fast and they don't fill you up like a nice fiber filled salad or meaty protein. Even the fat free re fried beans and scrambled eggs get old after awhile too. It's funny, I am one of those people that can eat a ready to drink shake everyday and not get tired of it but I will start to dread having to have another serving of cottage cheese after a few days. Maybe it is because I feel like I "have" to have it. There is some resentment there. I am choosing to have the ready to drink shake. I have to eat the cottage cheese because of my teeth. So why don't I just eat shakes and call it a day? I would love to and some days I actually can get away with doing that but unfortunately, I think I am far enough post op now that I do want some food. I was fine with the salads and the green veggies. It was working for me then I stopped being able to chew them. I want to eat my shoes by 10pm most nights if I only eat liquid calories all day. My goal weight is 140 and I am so close now, closer than I have been in almost 10 years! I don't want to let the bad dentist win by allowing what she did to me to keep me from reaching my goal. I am determined to start exercising this week and get back on track weather I can eat veggies or not. My two teeth are gone and I have to wait three months before I can start on the work needed for the two dental implants so now is the time before I am back to being unable to chew and in pain again! Wish me luck!

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