Monday, August 17, 2009

there are reasons that I don't let husband shop alone

First of all he spends $80+ dollars, forgets 1/2 of what is on the list and comes home with tons of garbage like Banana cream pie and donuts instead of the bananas or dry cat food that I actually sent him for. Then I get angry at myself because I can't stay out of the pie. Bad husband BAD! I only get more upset when in my truth in advertising mindset, I have to tell you about it and track it online with the resulting tweet for all of the world (okay just my followers)to see. Then I get more upset as I see just how over my recommended daily caloric allowance the aforementioned slice of pie put me for yesterday! Live and learn. I guess I will be shopping for the forgotten cat food and bananas myself after work today. Gurrr

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