Thursday, August 27, 2009

And the chile rellenos win

I admit it. I fell of the wagon yesterday. Husband actually suggested we go to dinner. Not that this was his fault, it was completely in my power to say no but I choose not to. So long story short, after more bad news from the oral surgeon and the resulting depression and stress, I caved. I ended up having 2 lovely, tasty, wonderful (did I mention they were very good?) chile rellenos from Don Jose's. I couldn't eat the chips which is probably a good thing because it would have been added calories and fat. I did share an order of flan with husband. I swear I don't know if it is because I haven't drank anything in years, or if it was the surgery, or if it was the fact that I have been eating so little for so long, but I got drunk off of the flan. Okay, you can stop laughing now! But it's true. I was instantly sleepy, staggering, befuddled, drunk. I know the sugar had something to do with it but DAMN! The waitress did tell us that the sauce was made with a liquor. I think she did this because she thought we were going to share it with Lilith. I couldn't have driven home had I wanted to. Can you just imagine it, "Honestly officer I only had 1/2 an order of flan, really I swear!" (as they are handcuffing me and putting me in the back of the cop car).
That makes me wonder, can you charge a post wls person with drunk driving or driving while impaired after they have taken in too much sugar? or less alcohol than the average person because it is processed differently ?
I also did the cardinal sin of letting the wagon run over me and drag me down the hill a little after falling off it with dinner, because when I got home...I had 2 cookies. I have confessed, I feel better. Actually that isn't what is making me feel better today, it is the fact that I got up this morning packed my Optifast shakes and a new Optifast bar to try, and I got right back on track. It is now 8pm and I have had a very good day with my green salad for lunch and the right amount of shakes/bars/soup for the day.

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