Friday, May 08, 2009


Yesterday I completed a little over 3 miles on the treadmill and burned a little over 500 calories.
This morning at 1 am, I awoke with excruciating pain along the whole left side of my face, concentrating mainly in my ear. After a trip to the ER, I was diagnosed with eustachian failure! So now I am dizzy as well as ditsy! I actually went to work anyway since it was literally down the hall and have been okay (not great mind you but okay)for most of my shift. I am about to be off in less than an hour and my gym clothes sit mocking me in my locker. The gym is only a short walk across a beautiful scenery filled sky bridge from where I work and I am afraid to try to go today. I haven't taken the pain medicine that I was prescribed, I didn't think that would go well with working, or maybe it would have gone a little too well? tee hee! I have taken plenty of over the counter pain meds today however, which has luckily kept the pain down to a dull roar. I just don't trust my equilibrium to walk on the treadmill at any speed that would make it worth making the effort. I have been walking 3 times a week and was so very proud of myself. I just hope I can get back on the loop tomorrow!

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