Monday, April 06, 2009

Adventures in Moving and black mold!

We had black mold in our bedroom. Lovely, I know. We have been having respiratory issues for months and had missed work (and Lilith school). We tried everything from buying a super expensive vacuum cleaner to using disinfecting wipes to clean every door knob and surface in the apartment to no avail. One night our neighbor locked herself out of her apartment and while she was waiting for the locksmith to arrive, it came up in conversation that her roof had been leaking since last spring! Our bedroom borders her living room where the leak is. I got curious and started moving our bedroom furniture around. Sure enough, when I pulled our bed away from the wall, there was black mold growing up the wall behind it! Nice!
The huge apartment management (Weidner properties, they have properties in Colorado too), was unrepentant and basically had to be forced with threats of lawsuit before they even attempted to do anything about it. After calling several environmental and social services agencies to find out what our rights were, I found out that they have a really bad reputation. I was even told by the landlord tenant association that we would only get our deposit back if we took them to court. of course my coworkers, and even some of Will's coworkers all had horror stories about them too. Too bad we didn't ask about them before we rented from them. But then, hindsight is always 20/20!
They cut part of the wall out and left exposed insulation for a week, which made all of us VERY SICK! The carpet was moldy too but they choose to ignore it. My husband and I both asked the manager if they had another unit we could move into and were told that the only vacant units had "leaky roofs" and that we would have to pay a $150 transfer fee if we did move to another unit! I guess we were suppose to feel lucky that we just had mold.
The up side to it all is, we found a 3 bedroom ranch with a yard that is much bigger and isn't an apartment. We are occurring $100 more a month plus some added utility costs but I think it will be totally worth it. read more about weidner here!

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