Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It was a good idea, in theory

Some of you may remember that I received this tub of candy from work for the holidays. I decided to make it the "pee pee candy" container which worked great for awhile. Lilith loved getting to pick her candy after she would go potty. Everyone was happy till the novelty wore off for her and she stopped going and even admitted that she didn't like the pee pee candy anymore. So refusing to believe that any child doesn't like chocolate treats, I went out and purchased mini Reese's Easter eggs. Well, it not only didn't motivate Lilith to go potty (neither did stickers, reward charts, or praise) but it reminded me how much I LOVE REESE'S EASTER EGGS! I need these out of the house yesterday! I have only had 8 in the 2 weeks that they have been in the house (remember these are the mini eggs not the full sized ones thank goodness) but they are calling to me! Help. We have now moved on to one toy a day (small stuffed animals, etc) for a good day on the potty. The pee pee candy must go!

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