Wednesday, September 03, 2008


You have put up with the extra pounds long enough!!
We can help you to lose weight starting right now!
As featured on Oprah!
Free Trial!

This is a real ad that I found on this page of a blog that I sometimes read..Please do not click on the ad or the owner of the blog that is hosting it will get paid and be encouraged to keep running demeaning ads like it!scroll down and look for the ad on the right!
That is the real tag line for it too. This ad makes me sick! I don't curse but seeing this made me think of a few choice words. Would our society accept an ad that criticized someone of color or made it seem like it was a shame that someone belonged to a certain religion? So pretty! So Jewish! So Sad! or So pretty! So Mexican! So Sad! Do you think those ads would fly? Of course not, but belittling overweight individuals is fair game?!? What larger person in their right mind would follow this demeaning link and actually buy this stupid diet tea? I mean the ad that followed the link was almost as bad, it states in the "testimonial" that she never "hated" her "soft body" but then she never got compliments on it either but how that all changed after losing 45 pounds without having to take any "embarrassing pills". Give me a freaking break! I want to write to these people and tell them how much I don't appreciate their disgusting ad. I hope you will too.
I went to see what this horrible ad was selling and this is what I found;
How I lost over 45 Pounds!
“I freaked out, how could I have
let myself get this way?”
The day I stepped on the scale and saw my weight was
199.9 lbs, I freaked out. How could I have let myself get
this way? I was 5 foot 2 and one ounce short of two
hundred pounds. I decided it was time for a change.

I tried various “Weight Loss” products and programs both
sold in stores and on the internet. I quote the words “Weight
Loss” because not all of the products I tried actually make
you lose any weight! Yes, they are all marketed as weight loss
products, but not all of them are, in fact many are just gimmicks
that range in price any where from $10 to $1000! The fact is
that some weight loss products do actually work! The problem is
cutting through the hype to find out which ones are real and work,
which ones are real and kinda work, and which ones are just overpriced gimmicks!

That is exactly the purpose of this website, as I was in the same position you are in a year ago when I realized I deserved better for myself and heard about all the new weight loss methods in the fashion magazines and on TV. I wish there was a site like this a year ago, so I could have cut through the hype, and just purchased the one that actually delivers results. All in all, I think it was worth it, as I now know first hand what WORKS and what DOESN’T, and if you’re like me, you wouldn’t mind trying a few different products to find that one product that can dramatically enhance your figure, confidence, and overall appearance.

I honestly never thought that losing weight would make much difference in my overall look and energy levels, but now I can’t imagine going a day without my favorite weight loss product. Of course, I never hated my appearance, just slightly disappointed when I looked in the mirror or at photos (probably caused by my little midnight-snacking habit), but nothing major. I never received compliments about my “soft body”, and if I ever did catch a compliment, it was usually the standard “beautiful eyes” line. But now after 4 months of using my favorite weight loss product, I get 2-3 compliments a day about how much “better” my body looks from both men and women. I also seem to be getting kissed by my boyfriend a lot more often (always a good thing)… So, here is my little weight loss secret:
The Wu-Yi Weight Loss System

My Secret:
The Wu-Yi Weight Loss System (sold at is the winner, too bad I didn't find it first. I first heard about this product when Access Hollywood had it on their website, and so far I totally see why! The difference with this Weight Loss product is that you get both short-term and long-term weight loss as it works quickly but it’s also so easy to stick with the routine. The results are absolutely fabulous, and unlike other products, there were no large, embarrassing pills to swallow! In addition to delivering weight loss results that the others just can't compare to, it also happens to be simplest, most natural, and least expensive method I've tried. I absolutely love it, it only takes a few seconds brew, and there's no mess or fuss. Using this product, I was able to lose over 45 pounds, and once my boyfriend saw me using it, he started using it and lost 33 pounds!

Insider's Tip:

There's a hidden link that can be activated on the Easy Weight Loss Tea website.
To do so, click on the “leaf" shape in the main top logo. Once you click on this
hidden link, you will automatically “unlock” a chance to see if you
qualify for one of their remaining FREE Trial packages!


Joe Sherlock said...

I was offended in the very same way by these ads yesterday and actually took the time to write to Perez to complain - something I usually never would bother to do. But in this case, Perez has often claimed his love for "big girls" and inparticular Beth Ditto. In fact I took the ad and photoshoped it next to pix of Beth that had appeared on his site (and therefore has his trademark scribbles on it) and asked him how he could allow these ads to run on his page when at the same time he loved Beth and called her "fierce?"

Oddly, today the "sooo sad" ads seem to be gone, although other ads for the same company are there. I wonder if my e-mail made any sort of an impact?

Anonymous said...

This is inline with one of the Bowflex commericals where some guy lost all kinds of weight "using his bowflex". The line that erks me the most is when he says, "I gave all my fat clothes to my fat friends." Amazing that he has any friends left after that.

Although I do have a bowflex of my own (bought long before this ad was released), I will never do business with them again.