Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Lean Dessert protein shake in Banana nut

I purchased this at GNC for $27.59, minus the 20% gold card discount, for 18 0ne scoop servings at 130 calories each. Each serving has 3 grams of fat (2gms saturated), 52mgs cholesterol, 7 grams carbohydrates, 1grm fiber, 3grms sugar, 20 grms protein, 320mgs calcium, 200mgs phosphorus, 40mgs magnesium, 100mg sodium, and 125mg potassium. It also contains ELG stimulators and Protein Utilization Enzymes. HUH? Well this shake isn't as creamy as I like but it is a very low calorie shake so I can forgive that but the total lack of nut flavor on the other hand, um not so much. I debated about buying this flavor verses the Banana cream pie flavor. Now call me a fool but I am probably going to go and buy that flavor in a few weeks just to see if it tastes identical to this one. I bet it does, if not, I won't have wasted my money and won't feel so foolish. I know it is silly but I just have to see if I am right and to be fair, this shake isn't bad, so having two jugs of it won't be too bad. I can always pass them off to husband. It just doesn't live up to its flavor name. It is even pretty mild in the banana flavor department but at least you KNOW there is some banana flavor in it. It didn't have the best satiety but again it is only 130 calories when wixed with water. It recommends 4-5 oz water for females (8-10oz and two scoops for males). They also recommend you drink 2-4 servings a day! yeah maybe if you are early post op but even then you probably should be looking for something with more protein bang per oz.

1 comment:

AJ said...

go to she selss samples of this. Then you don't have to spend so much to satisfy your curiosity.