Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ringo is holding my videos hostage!

HELP! does anyone have any idea how I can get my videos from www.ringo.com before it goes off line at the end of June?
According to their customer care department, see email below, there isn't but I am hold out hope that someone out there in cyberland will know a way as many of these were taken with my old cell phone and the original videos are long gone! Help!

May 31, 2008

Dear Ringo member,

After much consideration we have decided to end the Ringo service.

As of June 30, 2008 the Ringo service is ending and you will no longer have access to your Ringo account.

How do I get my photos?

We created a new feature that will allow you to download your photos to your computer. Click here to download your photos.

You may also order a CD of your photos. Just sign in to your Ringo account, click on the "You" tab, click" Order prints" and then "Photo Disks".

How do I get my videos?

Videos uploaded to Ringo were hosted for us by a partner. This partner has decided to end this service and after June 30 videos uploaded to Ringo will no longer be available.

Thank you for being part of the Ringo community.

The Ringo Team

Customer 06/02/2008 12:15 PM
How do I download my videos from your site to my computer or to you tube?

Response (Mae Quinns) 06/02/2008 09:43 PM
Hello ,

Thank you for contacting Ringo Customer Care.

Our apologies.

We do not have a feature to download your videos in Ringo to your computer. We can only save the photos in your Ringo account.

We hope this information helps and if there is anything else we can assist you with, please let us know.


Mae Quinns
Customer Care

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