Monday, May 19, 2008

THE DANGERS OF BREASTFEEDING A TODDLER,that no book warns you about

me breastfeeding before going into the OR to have my surgery..Will had to pry her off the boobie.
So I am out before work (bad idea from the very start, trying to shorten myself on sleep even more than usual to rush around shopping before a 12 hour night shift)in a scrub top that fit me when I was 100 pounds heavier (another bad idea, I know, but since the move, some clothes that actually would fit me now {they are from 2000-2002 when I was on a liquid fast and was size 10 and under [I was actually a size 6 for like 3 months till I ate a salad]}ended up in our storage so I am having to make do with what actually ended up fitting in the bug or getting mailed to us by Will's friend in Washington before they moved to Hawaii (another long story). I am too cheap to buy new scrubs when I know that I have over 100 pairs (seriously I do, those of you know me personally know it to be a fact)in storage that we keep planning on having shipped up..any day now (just watch me pull the $3000.00 out of my hat boys and girls)..So I am in GNC trying to justify A $300+ purchase for protein bars, shakes, and vitamins when I realize the teenage boy waiting on me is blushing redder by the minute. It is only then that I realize Lilith has her hand down the v neck of my shirt and is playing with my right breast. (this more than any other example I can give tells you just how desensitized you become to someone fondling your breasts after 2 years of breastfeeding) So I quickly try to pull her hand out of my shirt and start telling her, "no Lilith, not here". To which she turns to the teen age boy who is almost purple at this point, and looks him dead in the eye and says, "Mama Boobie , G-O-O-D!" with a big smile. I thought the poor guy was going to faint.


Anonymous said...

Did I tell you how I weaned my three year old? :x

On 4.5.2004, she went on a trip to Disneyworld, without me. I went into the operating room.

Anonymous said...

As a Lactation Consultant, and a once upon a time breastfeeder, I really enjoy hearing about successful BF babies. The picture of a last minute feed is precious. Thanks for sharing! I would love to hear how your supply is after WLS. I have worked with a few bariatric moms in the begining of their BF experience, but don't kown how they maintained supply when the calories are so low in the begining. Could you PM me. My work email is Pammylou

Lisa G said...

I nursed until my daughter was 2, and I can SO relate to this pic. I remember her grabbing my boob and hollering NA-NOO Mommy!! How she ever got na-noo, is anyone's guess. Great pic :)