Sunday, July 15, 2007

You'll be seing less of us

Will has lost 30 pounds in less than 3 weeks! I have lost over 80 now. I am happy to report that Wills blood sugars are in the 110's now (they were in the 300's even on metformin). He isn't having the hungry late evening mood swings or passing out whenever he sits still for too long anymore either. He is still a little tired and has the g-tube (it comes out Wednesday). He is doing better than I was at this point however. I remember being so exhausted that I couldn't stay awake during the day sometimes and Lilith would get so upset because I wasn't playing with her, just sitting on the floor with her trying not to fall asleep. I also remember that I was having strictures at this point so I was vomiting a lot too. Thank goodness he didn't get any. (knock on wood) I have so much more energy now and I am going to have to either sell or give away tons of clothes soon as they are taking up too much space, besides, what do I need (for example)a pair of shorts that are so big that I can not only take them on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them but that I can accidentally put on backwards and only notice I have done so when I reach down to pull them up to keep them from falling off and realize that I am grabbing the back pocket over my knee! It really happened yesterday. Thank goodness I was home!
It was the very pair of shorts in the photo above taken only a little over a month ago. That is how rapidly your body can shrink with this surgery! Kinda like with Lilith only in day I will go to put on an outfit that I wore 2 weeks ago and it will hang off me or I will go to dress Lilith in one of her cute outfits that she wore not to long ago and it will be way too small. I am living off protein bars and South Beach Diet Wrap Sandwich kits. Even now at 3 months out, I will eat the meat by itself, then a few hours later, the cheese or bacon bits, the later the whole wheat tortillas, and sometimes I will get around to eating the jello but usually not. 250 calories (some are less) and it lasts me for hours. I do like baked fish and chicken breasts for dinner but I still haven't been eating anything with them as I am too full. I have found that I have to be careful with nuts. I can over eat them very easily so now I am buying the individual packs and it serves as my lunch or dinner sometimes. I have read in many of the book on weight loss surgery that you have to be careful not to snack throughout the day and concentrate on only 3-5 small meals a day. I try very had to stick to that because I can see especially with nuts and sugar free ice cream how that can be very possible to do. I also have to admit that I still count calories even though my doctor says not to worry about it just yet as I am still eating so little but it keeps me reminded not to snack and to make sure that I get my protein first. I need to step up the exercise more but I have been and will be so busy in the next few months that I am having a hard time seeing how I will have time or energy to do it. I have been taking Lilith to the parks around our house a few times a week. Now that she is walking, heck she is running now, I certainly do get my exercise chasing her. I never want to be one of those mothers that sits around while their children are goodness knows where and who make their children "fetch" things for them, like their cig's or their beverages,etc. Lilith is so smart now that she starts walking to the bedroom door and calls out,"mama" till I open the door for her and then she goes in and and waits for me to go in and then she shuts the door and walks to the bed and starts patting it till I put her on it and give her a boobie nap. She may not speak but 5 or 6 words but she certainly knows how to communicate what she wants. I am so glad that Will and I had this surgery now so she will grow up seeing us eat healthy and being a healthy weight. She won't learn to reward herself or console herself with food like we did. She will see us being active and will be active with us. She won't grow up with sweets and junk food in the house all of the time so she will know that they aren't something you should eat everyday. I am very happy about that.

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