Monday, July 28, 2008

Why don't Subway resturants have a playplace?!?

It rained almost everyday for the last 2 weeks. Our evening walks were not possible as husband hates to mall walk even though there are two very large indoor malls here. Lilith really wanted out of the house and to be honest, so did I, so we ended up going to the only indoor play ground (amazing huh! There were several indoor play options in the Denver area yet there are almost none here, in ALASKA where it snows and is cold for several months out of the year?!?)option we had, Mc Donald's. We tried to do it healthy. I got Lilith a parfait one day so we wouldn't feel bad for sitting in the castle themed play place for a couple of hours. The next time I got her a happy meal because the toy was baby animals and she saw other kids playing with them and stated to say, "Lilith kitty, too?". I tried to buy just the toy and was told it was $2.00! I couldn't justify it when the whole meal was a dollar more and included the toy. I ordered low fat milk, chicken nuggets (that I have to peel for her or she won't eat them), and apple dippers all minus any dipping (aka sugar) sauce. I just wish restaurants, like Subway for example, that promote a healthy/active lifestyle, had facilities for kids like many of the fatty/ carb laden restaurants do. I've seen play grounds at Dairy Queen, Burger King, and many others so it isn't like Mc Donald's is the only one doing this, they just do it more consistently because it works for them. I think if it works for McDonald's, it would work for healthier restaurants too. I know if I were given an option between going to a Subway with an indoor playground or a Mc Donald's with an indoor playground, I would choose Subway hands down, even if their 220 calorie cookies tempt me more than anything Mc Donald's has to offer. Subway execs, Are you listening? Hello?

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