Thursday, July 24, 2008

Zone Perfect Dark Chocolate nutrition bar in Double Dark Chocolate

I found this bar at Wallmart last night. I noticed they had a chocolate raspberry one also but this is the only flavor that they were selling individually for $1 and some change each. I didn't want to invest in a whole box of bars only to find they were awful. Well, it isn't awful tasting anyway. It is actually quite good. The dark chocolate flavor could be stronger for my tastes but I think most people will like it very much. The problems with this bar have nothing to do with taste or texture (crunchy), they stem from the 14 grams of sugar, 22 grams of carbohydrates, and the 6 grams of fat (5 grams of which is saturated). It only contains 12 grams of protein for 190 calories. It does have quite a bit of vitamins and minerals. It claims to be "all natural" but it contains corn syrup, not exactly an ingredient that I think of in a healthy natural product. It was tasty and quite filling but over all, I would have to say it isn't the best choice out there. I am sure there are plenty of other dark chocolate protein sources out there with less sugar and carbohydrates. I apologize for the photos, this wrapper didn't photograph well at all.

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