Maybe she watched Jon and Kate +8 one too many times. Perhaps she thought she could out do the Duggars? Who knows but after reading the story below, I have to admit, something just seems wrong about the whole situation.
You can read what I think about the Duggars here;
I actually like to watch Jon and Kate + 8 because they are human. I knew Kate was an Aries before she revealed her birth date on the show because I could see myself in some of her actions (the obsessive cleanliness and order most especially). I like that the kids are shown running a muck and that the parents are shown disagreeing and frustrated at times. That is the reality of life. It isn't all flowers and sunshine. I think Nadya missed those moments on that show or down played them in her mind because they are there and they are there for a reason, to let the viewer know it is HARD WORK. I only wish the show gave more details about their budgets and daily schedule as I bet that would shock the average viewer or at least take some of the glamour out of it. I only hope this will encourage fertility doctors to do better screening in the future. I can't imagine who approved Nadya knowing she had six other children! Also, reports have surfaced that she is upset that she isn't getting the endorsement offers and free products she expected?!? What is she going to name these kids anyway? Huggies, Gerber, Fisher, and Price, etc?
As if the California department of Social Services ( all child protection services really!) didn't already have a big enough caseload!
Kate Gosselin Says Octuplet Mother Nadya Suleman Went too Far
By The Staff at wowOwow.com
Kate Gosselin, star of TLC’s popular reality show "Jon & Kate Plus 8," knows from big, chaotic families. As the title of her show suggests, Gosselin’s the proud mother of eight children — a set of twins and sextuplets — that she and husband Jon care for with a mix of teamwork, efficiency and a whole lot of love.
Like Nadya Suleman, the unmarried California mother of six who just gave birth to eight babies, the Gosselins used fertility drugs to conceive their big family — but they knew when to stop. Though she has no regrets, Gosselin thinks unemployed Suleman went too far and today offered some harsh words via the New York Post. Here are some highlights:
Q: Do you think Nadya did the right thing in having these octuplets, after already having six children?
Kate Gosselin Says Octuplet Mother Nadya Suleman Went too Far
By The Staff at wowOwow.com
Kate Gosselin, star of TLC’s popular reality show "Jon & Kate Plus 8," knows from big, chaotic families. As the title of her show suggests, Gosselin’s the proud mother of eight children — a set of twins and sextuplets — that she and husband Jon care for with a mix of teamwork, efficiency and a whole lot of love.
Like Nadya Suleman, the unmarried California mother of six who just gave birth to eight babies, the Gosselins used fertility drugs to conceive their big family — but they knew when to stop. Though she has no regrets, Gosselin thinks unemployed Suleman went too far and today offered some harsh words via the New York Post. Here are some highlights:
Q: Do you think Nadya did the right thing in having these octuplets, after already having six children?
Kate: I believe that every life that is created has a purpose. However, personally, I would never have set out to even have a seventh child — especially if I was a single parent!
Q: Nadya is not married, and there’s no father that we know of. Is this a problem?
Q: Nadya is not married, and there’s no father that we know of. Is this a problem?
Kate: Absolutely. The workload that Jon and I share is often even too much for us! It is unimaginable the amount of work she will have to bear as a single mother raising eight preemies as well as six other children.
Q: Do you think Nadya is cognizant of what’s in store for her?
Kate: No. I can honestly say that no amount of planning ahead prepared me for what I faced. And in comparison, I had three-year-old twins and six preemies … and a helpful husband. And we struggled in every way — physically, emotionally and financially.
Q: How do you think this will affect her other children?
Kate: There will be various reactions, ranging from helpfulness, involvement to resentment of the complete chaos and lack of attention the older six will now receive.
Is California Octuplets' Mother Trying to Outdo the Duggars?
January 31, 2009 by
Jillita Horton
What motivated the 33-year-old mother of the California octuplets to reproduce like a rabbit? Is the California octuplets mother trying to outdo the Duggars? You know who the Duggars are, right? Michelle Duggar has given birth to 18 kids including twins, but the Duggars did not have fertility help. The Duggars want more kids. I wonder if the California octuplets mother wants more kids yet. I wouldn't put that past her; she already has six other kids including twins, all under age 8! The California octuplets mother is insane!At first, I thought this was an infertile, childless couple desperate for kids who decided upon hormone injections or hormone pills, that stimulate ovarian production of eggs. And by chance, eight eggs were produced and were fertilized inside her body. But that's not the story. The California octuplets mother had in vitro fertilization: eight eggs were fertilized outside the womb and then implanted into her! Plus, she has six other kids! I'm also hearing that the California octuplets mom lives with her own mother and is financially strapped. Yes, I bet she envies the Duggars and she's trying to emulate the Duggars and their 18 kids.Well, there's a huge difference between this so-far nameless mother of octuplets, and Michelle Duggar. Michelle Duggar was married before having her first child. Michelle Duggar conceived naturally. The Duggars have always been financially secure. In fact, the Duggars are stinkin' rich. Finally, the Duggars have had one baby at a time, with the exception of their twins.The California octuplets mother willfully, purposefully and consciously had eight embryos implanted into her. Now, in vitro fertilization has risks; often, not all of the implanted embryos "take," and a spontaneous abortion occurs. This is why with in vitro fertilization, several embryos are usually implanted. But EIGHT ? Who's the mad doctor who did this? Why not five or four? Any doctor knows that the odds of all eight being born without medical problems are astronomical to 1.Never mind that reportedly, the octuplets are doing great and seven no longer need supplemental oxygen. At the time those eight embryos were implanted, nobody had a crystal ball.Why would a woman, already with six kids, seek in vitro fertilization anyways? Secondly, if the California octuplets mother is financially strapped, where did she get the money for in vitro fertilization? Unless she put it on several credit cards? The cost of diapers has been estimated at $500 per MONTH. Did the California octuplets mother have a team of nannies lined up to help her with the kids before she had the embryos implanted? Or did the California octuplets mother believe only four of the embryos would "take" ?
January 31, 2009 by
Jillita Horton
What motivated the 33-year-old mother of the California octuplets to reproduce like a rabbit? Is the California octuplets mother trying to outdo the Duggars? You know who the Duggars are, right? Michelle Duggar has given birth to 18 kids including twins, but the Duggars did not have fertility help. The Duggars want more kids. I wonder if the California octuplets mother wants more kids yet. I wouldn't put that past her; she already has six other kids including twins, all under age 8! The California octuplets mother is insane!At first, I thought this was an infertile, childless couple desperate for kids who decided upon hormone injections or hormone pills, that stimulate ovarian production of eggs. And by chance, eight eggs were produced and were fertilized inside her body. But that's not the story. The California octuplets mother had in vitro fertilization: eight eggs were fertilized outside the womb and then implanted into her! Plus, she has six other kids! I'm also hearing that the California octuplets mom lives with her own mother and is financially strapped. Yes, I bet she envies the Duggars and she's trying to emulate the Duggars and their 18 kids.Well, there's a huge difference between this so-far nameless mother of octuplets, and Michelle Duggar. Michelle Duggar was married before having her first child. Michelle Duggar conceived naturally. The Duggars have always been financially secure. In fact, the Duggars are stinkin' rich. Finally, the Duggars have had one baby at a time, with the exception of their twins.The California octuplets mother willfully, purposefully and consciously had eight embryos implanted into her. Now, in vitro fertilization has risks; often, not all of the implanted embryos "take," and a spontaneous abortion occurs. This is why with in vitro fertilization, several embryos are usually implanted. But EIGHT ? Who's the mad doctor who did this? Why not five or four? Any doctor knows that the odds of all eight being born without medical problems are astronomical to 1.Never mind that reportedly, the octuplets are doing great and seven no longer need supplemental oxygen. At the time those eight embryos were implanted, nobody had a crystal ball.Why would a woman, already with six kids, seek in vitro fertilization anyways? Secondly, if the California octuplets mother is financially strapped, where did she get the money for in vitro fertilization? Unless she put it on several credit cards? The cost of diapers has been estimated at $500 per MONTH. Did the California octuplets mother have a team of nannies lined up to help her with the kids before she had the embryos implanted? Or did the California octuplets mother believe only four of the embryos would "take" ?
And where's daddy in all this?
Veil about to be lifted on octuplets' mystery mom
By JOHN ROGERS – 2 hours ago
WHITTIER, Calif. (AP) — Reporters from all over the map have camped outside her doorstep and surrounded the hospital where she gave birth to eight healthy babies last week, but people still don't know much about Nadya Suleman. That's about to change.
After managing to avoid reporters as she left the hospital Thursday morning, Suleman headed for her first interview, with Ann Curry of NBC's "Today" show. One of the octuplets mother's hastily hired publicists said she is staying at "an undisclosed location" while she considers offers including possible book and TV deals.
NBC News spokeswoman Megan Kopf said Suleman was not paid for the interview. An air-date announcement was expected later Thursday.
Not even a photo of Suleman has emerged and public records shed little light on her. The 33-year-old single mother, who now has 14 children under the age of 8, has used different names over the years and has been married and divorced once.
State documents disclosed Thursday to The Associated Press show that she received more than $165,000 in disability payments for a back injury suffered during a riot at the mental-health hospital where she worked. The payments were made between 2002 and 2008, during which time Suleman gave birth to most of her six other children.
The documents, provided to the AP on Thursday following a public records request to the Department of Mental Health, also show that Suleman had three miscarriages before she first became a mother.
Neighbors say that while Suleman is quick to smile and wave to them, she generally keeps to herself.
"She's a very pretty woman and, yes, she's very friendly when I see her," said Thelma Steinweg, who said Suleman moved next door on the quiet, narrow cul de sac about three years ago.
"But I usually only see her going in or out of her house or on the steps, shouting at the kids when they're playing in the yard," Steinweg added.
As she spoke she glanced at Suleman's small front yard, littered with children's toys. A child's car seat sat propped up near the front door. From the front porch, Suleman's mother could be heard inside, singing to a crying child.
While Suleman, whose 14 children were conceived by in vitro fertilization, declined to speak publicly for days, she has come under criticism from TV and radio commentators, bloggers and others who have accused her of irresponsibly having more children than she appears prepared to care for. Some have accused her of having the octuplets in an effort to cash in with a TV or book deal.
Although her publicists acknowledge she is reviewing such offers, one of her friends said she simply loves children and didn't get pregnant for profit.
"She's not even interested in that right now," said Jessica Zepeda, who lives down the street. "It's funny and sad in a way, there's a lot of people saying really negative things and they don't know her."
Suleman's mother said she expects people's opinions to change when her daughter goes public with her story.
"She's a very likable person," said Angela Suleman, who spoke briefly with a reporter on her doorstep Wednesday. "She's basically normal except for this obsession she's always had with children."
Nadya Suleman, who public records show has held a license as a mental health technician, was listed on the payroll of Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk from 1997 until last year. State records show that for much of that time, she was unable to work.
She was injured at the hospital on Sept. 18, 1999, during a riot of 20 patients. While restraining a patient, she was struck in the back by a desk hurled by another patient.
During an August 2008 exam, Dr. Steven Nagelberg attributed 90 percent of her injury to the work incident and 10 percent to her pregnancy.
An August 2001 psychological evaluation in her workers' compensation file said Suleman had three miscarriages before having a baby. When Suleman learned that she was pregnant with her first child, the report quotes her as saying, "It's the most wonderful, best thing that's ever happened in my life."
Suleman's mother said her daughter hasn't worked since soon after becoming pregnant with her octuplets. She has also had to discontinue her pursuit of a master's degree at California State University, Fullerton, where she earned a bachelor's degree in child care development.
"She may not be able to finish her master's degree now and she was so close to wrapping it up," her mother said Wednesday.
Nadya Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney said she has told him it's her dream to eventually earn a Ph.D. in some field involving counseling.
Furtney said Suleman is "feeling great" and looking forward to being reunited with her octuplets, who are expected to remain in the hospital for several more weeks.
"She's happy to be out of the hospital, although she misses her children," he said. "She can't wait until they join her."
The octuplets were born nine weeks prematurely and will be released from the hospital individually as they hit a near-normal newborn weight.
"At this point in their development, they are not mature enough to coordinate the suckling and swallowing at the same time to be bottle-fed," said Dr. Mandhir Gupta, the hospital's neonatologist.
According to Steinweg, Suleman initially thought only six of the eight embryos she had implanted in her womb last year had survived. She learned later in her pregnancy that seven had. She was surprised again on the day she gave birth to learn there were actually eight. Born Jan. 26, the children are now the longest known surviving octuplets in history.
It still isn't clear who their father is, or who fathered Suleman's other six children, who range in age from 2 to 7.
Suleman listed a David Solomon as the father on the birth certificates for her first four children but gave a different birthday for him on each certificate and listed both Israel and California as his place of birth. He could not be located for comment.
She listed no father on the birth certificates for her fifth and sixth children, twins born in 2006.
Suleman herself has been known by different names over the years, including Natalie Suleman, Natalie Gutierrez, Nadya Gutierrez and Nadya Doud.
Suleman was married to Marcos Gutierrez in 1996 and was divorced last year, according to public records. Gutierrez did not return calls to numbers listed for him, and his divorce lawyer, Roberto Gil, declined to comment.
Divorce papers state the couple split up in 2000 and had no children, although Suleman had given birth to her first six children by the time the divorce was finalized.
Public records show Suleman's father has used the last names Doud and Suleman. Her parents married in Las Vegas in 1974 and divorced in 1999. Suleman was their only child.
Associated Press writers Shaya Tayefe Mohajer and Thomas Watkins contributed to this story.
By JOHN ROGERS – 2 hours ago
WHITTIER, Calif. (AP) — Reporters from all over the map have camped outside her doorstep and surrounded the hospital where she gave birth to eight healthy babies last week, but people still don't know much about Nadya Suleman. That's about to change.
After managing to avoid reporters as she left the hospital Thursday morning, Suleman headed for her first interview, with Ann Curry of NBC's "Today" show. One of the octuplets mother's hastily hired publicists said she is staying at "an undisclosed location" while she considers offers including possible book and TV deals.
NBC News spokeswoman Megan Kopf said Suleman was not paid for the interview. An air-date announcement was expected later Thursday.
Not even a photo of Suleman has emerged and public records shed little light on her. The 33-year-old single mother, who now has 14 children under the age of 8, has used different names over the years and has been married and divorced once.
State documents disclosed Thursday to The Associated Press show that she received more than $165,000 in disability payments for a back injury suffered during a riot at the mental-health hospital where she worked. The payments were made between 2002 and 2008, during which time Suleman gave birth to most of her six other children.
The documents, provided to the AP on Thursday following a public records request to the Department of Mental Health, also show that Suleman had three miscarriages before she first became a mother.
Neighbors say that while Suleman is quick to smile and wave to them, she generally keeps to herself.
"She's a very pretty woman and, yes, she's very friendly when I see her," said Thelma Steinweg, who said Suleman moved next door on the quiet, narrow cul de sac about three years ago.
"But I usually only see her going in or out of her house or on the steps, shouting at the kids when they're playing in the yard," Steinweg added.
As she spoke she glanced at Suleman's small front yard, littered with children's toys. A child's car seat sat propped up near the front door. From the front porch, Suleman's mother could be heard inside, singing to a crying child.
While Suleman, whose 14 children were conceived by in vitro fertilization, declined to speak publicly for days, she has come under criticism from TV and radio commentators, bloggers and others who have accused her of irresponsibly having more children than she appears prepared to care for. Some have accused her of having the octuplets in an effort to cash in with a TV or book deal.
Although her publicists acknowledge she is reviewing such offers, one of her friends said she simply loves children and didn't get pregnant for profit.
"She's not even interested in that right now," said Jessica Zepeda, who lives down the street. "It's funny and sad in a way, there's a lot of people saying really negative things and they don't know her."
Suleman's mother said she expects people's opinions to change when her daughter goes public with her story.
"She's a very likable person," said Angela Suleman, who spoke briefly with a reporter on her doorstep Wednesday. "She's basically normal except for this obsession she's always had with children."
Nadya Suleman, who public records show has held a license as a mental health technician, was listed on the payroll of Metropolitan State Hospital in Norwalk from 1997 until last year. State records show that for much of that time, she was unable to work.
She was injured at the hospital on Sept. 18, 1999, during a riot of 20 patients. While restraining a patient, she was struck in the back by a desk hurled by another patient.
During an August 2008 exam, Dr. Steven Nagelberg attributed 90 percent of her injury to the work incident and 10 percent to her pregnancy.
An August 2001 psychological evaluation in her workers' compensation file said Suleman had three miscarriages before having a baby. When Suleman learned that she was pregnant with her first child, the report quotes her as saying, "It's the most wonderful, best thing that's ever happened in my life."
Suleman's mother said her daughter hasn't worked since soon after becoming pregnant with her octuplets. She has also had to discontinue her pursuit of a master's degree at California State University, Fullerton, where she earned a bachelor's degree in child care development.
"She may not be able to finish her master's degree now and she was so close to wrapping it up," her mother said Wednesday.
Nadya Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney said she has told him it's her dream to eventually earn a Ph.D. in some field involving counseling.
Furtney said Suleman is "feeling great" and looking forward to being reunited with her octuplets, who are expected to remain in the hospital for several more weeks.
"She's happy to be out of the hospital, although she misses her children," he said. "She can't wait until they join her."
The octuplets were born nine weeks prematurely and will be released from the hospital individually as they hit a near-normal newborn weight.
"At this point in their development, they are not mature enough to coordinate the suckling and swallowing at the same time to be bottle-fed," said Dr. Mandhir Gupta, the hospital's neonatologist.
According to Steinweg, Suleman initially thought only six of the eight embryos she had implanted in her womb last year had survived. She learned later in her pregnancy that seven had. She was surprised again on the day she gave birth to learn there were actually eight. Born Jan. 26, the children are now the longest known surviving octuplets in history.
It still isn't clear who their father is, or who fathered Suleman's other six children, who range in age from 2 to 7.
Suleman listed a David Solomon as the father on the birth certificates for her first four children but gave a different birthday for him on each certificate and listed both Israel and California as his place of birth. He could not be located for comment.
She listed no father on the birth certificates for her fifth and sixth children, twins born in 2006.
Suleman herself has been known by different names over the years, including Natalie Suleman, Natalie Gutierrez, Nadya Gutierrez and Nadya Doud.
Suleman was married to Marcos Gutierrez in 1996 and was divorced last year, according to public records. Gutierrez did not return calls to numbers listed for him, and his divorce lawyer, Roberto Gil, declined to comment.
Divorce papers state the couple split up in 2000 and had no children, although Suleman had given birth to her first six children by the time the divorce was finalized.
Public records show Suleman's father has used the last names Doud and Suleman. Her parents married in Las Vegas in 1974 and divorced in 1999. Suleman was their only child.
Associated Press writers Shaya Tayefe Mohajer and Thomas Watkins contributed to this story.
1 comment:
This is a huge load for anyone- but it sounds like she wanted this for what ever reason- -- She wanted 2 mill to talk to Oprah- Is this a reason to go through all of this? Did dhe have a motive ? And what was it? Love of children or love of money??
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