"3 bedrooms 1 3/4 bath. Home on 1 acre of land to play in. Log home in wasilla. Great freeway access. 1100 per month you pay utilities water and gas."
I want to move. I've had it with "big city" living. Everyone warned us that living in Anchorage wasn't really living in Alaska and you know what, they are right. It also has to do with our poor choice(read lack of planning and the fact that we have cats!) in housing. I am tired of listening to traffic and our "lovely" (said with sarcasm)neighbors. I get that this town has a lot of military and that many of them don't want to live on base because the base has rules but does that mean when they live off base they should throw loud drunken parties till wee hours of the morning? every weekend!!!! I am now considering Eagle River, heck even Wasilla because not only do you get much more bang for your housing buck, you also get the feeling that you actually live in ALASKA!
Honestly, other than the occasional moose that I see walking in our neighborhood and the mountain views that albeit are quite breathtaking, it looks like most other American cities (just covered in more snow). The is also the surprisingly large homeless population (Denver had homeless on every corner too however) that have tarp town set up at most of the public parks in our area which makes it very uncomfortable to go there with a small child even when the weather is permitting.
The only reason we didn't consider housing outside of Anchorage before was because of the winter commute but now that we have a 4 wheel drive vehicle, I am more inclined to think about it.
Husband would be the one that would have to do most of the driving however as he is the one that works 5 days a week to my 4. Lilith only goes to school two of my four days and husband has to drive her on those days. So it would primarily affect him. Everyone tells me that the highway does get plowed regularly but that the commute can take more than 30 minutes (one way) in bad weather. I could see if he doesn't want to do it because as I said, it would mostly affect him and his commute but I am thinking about it more and more.
read more about Wasilla here!
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