I learned an important lesson while doing this review; it is dangerous to try exercise and take in focus photos at the same time, especially while balancing on a balance board.
I had my husband try out the Wii fit game first. To our mutual shock and my initial amusement (until I realized the same thing would most likely happen to me also) after he stood on the balance board and allowed it to weigh him, his Mii (the little computerized character you create to represent yourself) started to balloon up around its midsection all the while it was looking down at its ever expanding belly in cartoon shock. I was determined not to have this happen to me and to make sure I was alone if it did so I waited until the next day to create my Mii and I made it as fat as the system would allow (let me tell you, this system certainly wasn't designed to take in account for America's expanding waistlines), which wasn't that fat at all. I entered my height, weight, age, sex, and chose the light clothing option so it could weigh me. So I start the Wii fit game and sure enough, it happens to me also. My Mii lowers and shakes her computer generated head in shame. I guess this is suppose to motivate you to keep working out with the program as you so obviously need to. It tells you your BMI and asks you if you want to know your weight. It was pretty much dead on for my weight. Then it asks you if you want to start two fitness tests. The first one is a center of balance test where you stay as still as possible for a brief time while trying to keep your red dot in the circle where your center of balance should be. You can see the photo of my results on that one.
Then it asks you to shift your weight from side to side and hold it for 3 seconds once you get your measurements into 2 (one for the left side, one for the right)bars. This is to measure something the game calls Body Control. If you can make it and hold your measurements in the left and right bar for three minutes before you run out of time, then it moves you on to he next level where the bars are even smaller, and so on. I don't know how many levels there are to this test as I did so poorly that the game asked me if I tripped over myself as I walked! After these two tests are completed, the game presents you with your Wii Fit age. You can see my results in the photo above. My poor Mii now slumps over and grips her computer generated back. Lovely.
Next you are given the opportunity to set goals for yourself. You can change/update these goals every two weeks and allow yourself up to six months to complete them. I chose weight loss. The most it would allow me to lose was 22 pounds. It also breaks it down for you and tells you how many pounds this would be per week and what the end result would make your new BMI. It then asks you to stamp your virtual calendar so you can track your progress and view your activity log. You can password protect your information at this point so other users cannot see your data.
Then you can choose from four training modes; Yoga, Strength Training, Aerobics, and Balance games.
Initially you don't have that many choices of exercises (or poses in the Yoga) because the game rewards you for every minute that you workout with it by placing a Fit Credit into your Fit Bank. After you have enough Fit Credits, the game starts to unlock new Yoga Poses and exercises. I did find that motivational.
You can choose to have either a male or female trainer and get started working out. The Yoga section offered 5 poses initially. The warrior pose was my favorite. Some of the poses ask you to place your hands on the balance board and some even ask you to sit and place just your feet on it. It took me awhile to get use to balancing on one leg and on the balance board.
I now understand why those Wii Balance Board kits are so popular as they include a balance board cover that I assume helps absorb moisture (my hands really started to sweat while doing the side to side plank exercise and my hands were slipping, tmi but true).
The strength training portion also initially has 5 exercises; a push up alternating with one sided plank followed by another push up and then the opposite side plank (very challenging), jackknife sit ups, lunges, side twists, etc.
Your chosen trainer will demonstrate each exercise for you then complete it with you. You can change your viewing angle so you can see them from the front, sides or back as they demonstrate. The game gives praise and tips during and after each exercise. It also has graphs during each exercise to keep your body in the proper alignment.
The Balance Games section has a game where you head butt soccer balls that other team members throw at you but you lose points if you let the shoes or panda heads (yes you read it correctly) hit you. You sway from side to side to do this.
It also has a game where you walk in place on the balance board while your Mii walks across a tight rope. It times you and you have to stay balanced or your Mii will fall off. It sounded easy until this bear trap thingy drops on the tight rope in front of your mii and you are supposed to do a squat and quick stand to mock jump over it. The game warns you never to actually jump while on the balance board. I fell off every time at this point. I even tried to run in place across the tight rope but it warned me that my Mii would fall if I didn't slow down and it did.
The ski jump game basically has you practice squats while doing a mock ski jump.
The downhill ski game has you sway from side to side as your Mii skis downhill and through gates.
There is also a game where you get balls on a rotating platform that you are trying to maneuver into a hole. You start with one ball and as you successfully complete each level within the time alloted, you get more balls and the difficulty increases.
In the Aerobics section, the hula hoop game was very fun. You basically just circle your hips as it counts your repititons and occasionally one of the two other charaters will toss you another hula hoop that you try to catch and keep hula hooping till you drop one or all of them (or time is up).
There is a one person jog in place game where you run in a cute environment called Wii Fit Island filled with other Miis and computer generated animals. You basically follow behind another Mii and it guides you along the trail. You can adjust the time and the distance. There is also a two player verson of this game where you can challenge another player and race.
It also has a game where you participate in a step class filled with other Miis. It was hard to do the side to side stepping movements while watching the screen and trying to follow the timing but I am sure that it gets easier with practice.
Over all I really like this game and the controls work very well. When I slowed down while walking, my Mii did also. When I paused during a strength training exercise, the game knew it. I am currently reviewing another game for the Wii Balance board that isn't nearly as responsive as this one. Even though some of the exercises and games won't cause you to work up much a sweat, be assured that they are still fun and challenging. I am glad that I purchased this game and will probably use it frequently.buy your HERE!
1 comment:
I finally got ahold of a Wii Fit and I absolutely love it! My favourite is the step boxing. Thanks for the heads up about the Mii getting fat.... LOL.... that was pretty funny to watch.
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