Wednesday, July 02, 2008

We won't be going to this park again

These photos were taken at Arctic Benson Park. It appears to be a memorial to a homeless woman that died there. Why do I presume she was homeless? Well because of the items left at the shrine, a coat tied to the cross, food, clothing, liquor, etc. Very strange items for a shrine, at least I thought. We had driven by this park a few times and the playground is always deserted. Well, now I know why....the surrounding forest area of the park has nice picnic tables scattered through it, these are the local hang out for the homeless. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the homeless, even seeing this as we actually drove into the park, we still stopped to let Lilith play. I did start to feel uncomfortable after noticing the shrine pictured above. Then one of the women hanging out in the tarp town that occupies one area of the park started yelling out to us that there was a much better park further down the road. Husband was determined not to leave as it is a public park, etc, etc but I finally, after the second time the woman yelled to us about the "better" park, convinced him to leave. We drove to the "better" park which was totally packed. The play equipment wasn't any better but the park did have tennis and basketball courts. Now I could say that this park was so full that people were parking across the street because of the basketball and tennis courts but um, I doubt it.

1 comment:

alittlebitofscrap said...

It is sad about the bums. I work on 36th and that park is kinda behind our offices. The bums like to hang out in our parking space, it is crazy and scary. I will be glad when the park at the library is finished. It looks like it is going to have a walking track around the pond. Promising :)