Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More adventures in breastfeeding a toddler

Okay so anyone who reads my blog even semi regularly knows that Lilith loves the boobie. Well now I may have some incite as to why she loves it so very much! I know that I eat a lot of dark chocolate what with the Anna crack pictured above (I have a packet of those almost every day!) and all of the dark chocolate covered protein bars I consume a week, what happened at Subway the other night shouldn't surprise me but it did. So we are out having a "healthy" free dinner (you get free Subway meal cards when the hospital staffing department screws you over. (If they are really desperate you can score a $50 gift certificate and a pair of free movie passes) unfortunately I qualify for one or more of these cards at least once a week every week!) at the hospital Subway. We give Lilith fortified soy milk at home so she usually won't touch regular cows milk so we ordered chocolate milk for her. She is drinking it out of her sippy cup when all of a sudden she gets an ernest expression and starts to sign milk. So Will and I are happy and smiling and praising her when she shakes her head and starts reaching for my shirt and pulling at it. So I am trying to tell her no you have to drink the chocolate milk here Lilith. Then she looks frustrated and says, "boobie" and signs milk. I try to tell her that she has to have the special chocolate milk right now, it's really a treat Lilith num num you want it don't you, etc. She looks at her father as I am obviously not getting it. She says, "boobie" and signs milk and picks up the sippy cup and takes a big swig and says again, "B-O-O-B-I-E" and smiles big. Then we exchange a look of confusion as it dawns on us that she is saying that the chocolate milk tastes like boobie milk. Will then says, "I think we need to talk to Mommy about her diet". She is never going to wean, I mean if my boobs produce chocolate milk, why would she!

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