I think my reading of this book precipitated his sending me the video I posted a couple of posts back. It is a feel good book for mothers who decide to breastfeed longer than a year. It is filled with lots of stories from mothers that have enjoyed extended breastfeeding. The author addresses breastfeeding up till age 4. She joking refers to this as, "Through the chain link fence". I have no intention of breastfeeding Lilith till she is four but 3 is a possibility. The world health organisation recommends children being breastfed till they are 3. I think Lilith is verbal enough to tell me when she wants to quit. She only breastfeeds first thing in the morning, for naps and right before bed. To be honest, this is sometimes the only time during the day when I get to stop and take a moment to rest and daydream. So it isn't just good for her. I often nap some with her during her early morning nap (she only naps once a day some days). I was really happy to still be breastfeeding when she was sick recently, it was about all she would take and I could tell it gave her comfort.
This book addresses many concerns that mothers will have (and gives you information to argue your reasons for extended breastfeeding)such as, nursing and weight gain, night nursing-a factor in tooth decay, mothers nutritional needs (I should write the la leche league about my situation, I don't know of any other mother that nursed through wls surgery although there has to be others right?), coping with family and outside pressures, employment outside of the home, and weaning. It has whole chapters devoted to nursing your one year old, two year old,three year old, and four year old. It has some very sensible weaning methods that don't involve crying, withholding, or more dramatic options that I have read else where.
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