Thankfully no.
Are these little cookie peddlers some evil spawn out to introduce trans fat into our diets all under the rouse of a charitable donation? I think not, as I was a girl scout, wait some people would argue that doesn't help prove their innocence much. I did indeed peddle the little boxes of sugar and fat to many people in the 70's in the bay area. I in fact broke the record one year for the county we lived in and my troupe got to go to Marriott's Great America (an amusement park) and I got the first portable CD player I had ever seen in return. So needless to say, every time some coworker or, God forbid, an actual little pigtailed girl scout hits me up to buy these tasty nuggets, I cave.
read more about the cookies and the tradition here!
get your cookie fix here!
read more about who bakes them and their nutritional info here!
a trefoil cheese cake recipe!
So needless to say a coworker was selling these addictive cookies for not just one daughter but two! I looked and the younger girls sheet and her totals were woefully behind her sisters. I am a sucker for the underdog so buy away. I have to say that the Trefoils pictured above are quite good, transfat free and only 150 calories for 5 cookies. The sugar; 6 grams, The fat; 2 grams (nonsaturated), The carbohydrates; 20grams (not bad for being what they are, a tasty cookie) I still get to feel good about helping my fellow scout and not too bad about hurting my families waist line.
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