I have lost almost 30 pounds in a little over 2 weeks. Everyone at work comments that they can see it. That is nice. It is getting easier to take care of Lilith during the day but if I had this to do over again, I certainly wouldn't try to take care of a crawling, cruising 20 pound infant on my 4Th day post op. I am still breastfeeding but it has been challenging. I pumped every 3 hours while in the hospital (and awake). I even fell asleep while pumping a couple of times and woke up all wet. It was interesting considering every time I would start to pump, in would walk the male RN, male aide, male doc, or male dietary person. Seriously. I am still forcing myself to take fluids to keep hydrated and to keep my milk up. I also started Reglan (an anti emetic that increases milk production). I know the nutrition content of my milk is probably next to nothing but I figure it is okay since Lilith is eating 3 meals a day and a yogurt snack. She also gets 2-3 bottles of 6-8oz a day of formula. I am still taking mostly clear liquids with some full liquids, mostly protein shakes, and cream based soups. I am tired a lot but that is because I am basically getting 500 calories a day on most days. I went to the 3 week post op class (I am really 2 weeks post op but I was in the area and wanted to save myself a drive), and was amazed that some of the lap banders were already able to eat protein bars and were saying they were hungry! I knew the lap band wasn't for me. I would be so upset right now if I was hungry after having major surgery for weight loss! I am still struggling with the visual cues from what TV I do watch (I hate some of those commercials, they are evil), Lost, and Medium. When the food is in front of me (like when my husband eats dinner), it doesn't really bother me, (especially if I have a protein shake while he eats). I am having a hard time imagining that I will be able to eat even soft foods by next week like they say you will in the 3 week post op class. I had a bad experience with some clam chowder the other night and it wasn't even that thick. I will say one very bad thing that I have noticed about this surgery, when you eat too fast (like I did with the chowder), you get a horrible tightness in your chest along with some nasty shortness of breath and pain. It feels like what patients that have had heart attacks describe. But on a good note/ bad note, once I made myself vomit (after 2 hours of pain)it went away. I also didn't have to vomit much at all since my pouch is so small, it almost was like spitting up. Too graphic for some of you but true. I also want to stress that you should continue to take your stool softeners when you get home from the hospital, I found this out the hard way, no pun intended. Another rny patient was talking about her "difficulties" in this area at the 3 week class.
Will's birthday was Sunday and we went to see, "Blades of Glory". It was Lilith's first movie experience. It was fun. She really seemed in awe till the last 30 minutes or so when she started to get tired but couldn't sleep because of all of the laughing. She really seemed to enjoy the preview of Shrek 3. We will have to take her to see it when it comes out. I walked around with her by the exit isle and she was fine with that and I still got to see the end of the movie. I ordered Will a chocolate cake with cream filling (a small cake). He is still eating on it. I did get to have some of his sugar free ice cream (2 spoonfuls and I was stuffed). I didn't even mind making dinner for him. This not being hungry thing can be really cool sometimes but you do have to watch mental hunger. I had a dream that Will was making pans and pans of Lasagna and wouldn't let me have any. Here is the funny part, I don't really like lasagna! I am walking with Lilith almost everyday, weather permitting, to a park and back. She really like the swings and gets excited when I bring out the stroller. I can't wait till we can swim again. She use to get that excited when we would start to get the swim gear out. My friend Carla's wedding is June 29Th and I was hoping to be down 40 pounds or so, but if I keep loosing at this rate, I will be down a lot more than that! Yeah! I am so happy that I finally got to have this surgery!
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