It is sad that some people are so bored in their own life that they will do anything to distract themselves from the problems and issues that they should be addressing within their own families and psyche by trying to get information about other individuals and their lives. Resorting to the most petty of means necessary all the while over estimating either their own cleverness or the other persons level of trust. It is sad to when someone is so obsessed with an individual that has made it more than abundantly clear to the whole world (you would think that would be enough to dissuade any further contact from them but, no) that they have no desire to have anything to do with them and want to be as disassociated from them as possible. I know I am not that interesting, but then again, you are reading aren't you so who knows. Ha Ha!
Enough on the negativity already, on to the good things!
Husband and I have already been to 3 baby related classes. We preregistered for our delivery and even filled out the preliminary birth certificate! Can you believe that you can do that? I guess it is open to changes especially if the sex is different that the ultrasounds predict. We have moved our home office out of the soon to be nursery and picked up MORE baby furniture last night after I got off work. Who knew a baby required so much furniture! We tried to pick items that will grow with our child so the investment doesn't seem so bad. There is still so much left to buy however but I am working some extra shifts so that helps some.
It is so overwhelming to realize that your life is forever changed, that from now on you can't just do what you want that you have to think about this little human being before you think about yourself. To have someone so utterly dependent on you for everything is a little frightening. To know your actions whether they are good ones or selfish ones will impact this persons whole life in ways you can't even imagine. To know that they will grow up and have their own opinions and experiences and effect on our world and that all of that will be influenced by you is such responsibility. We all want the best for our children. Okay, at least most of us do and I know most of us make daily decisions (muchless major life decisions) with a thought as to their effect on our children first. Heck I have been doing that with my cats for years although I really don't have to worry about one of my cats getting preg. at 15, dropping out of school, or deciding to never speak to me ever again. I do try to provide even my cats with the a safe and secure home, one where there will always be plenty of food and where they never have to worry that they might be dumped off with someone because I can't pay the house payment. I see no reason that a child deserves any less but infact so much more. My husband and I have been talking a lot about our childhoods through my preg. (both the good and the bad) and how we can improve on them and incorporate the things that worked as well as try not to include the things that didn't. I think we have both learned a lot about each other which is a nice bonus too and luckily we are able to agree on most of the major issues we has discussed so far. I am sure there will be disagreements but I think we are both mature enough to talk through them and compromise. I am both excited and frightened about this new phase of my life but I think I have lots of support from knowledgeable and caring people in my life, and a more than supportive mate so that helps a lot.
1 comment:
stumbled across your blog. My children are now grown up (son, 25 next month working as a Senior House Officer - doctor - in Accident & Emergency here in England, also doing nights at the moment). We were pretty poor when our children came along (got cats later). Try to get as much stuff as hand-me-downs or 2nd hand. Honestly, babies grow so fast in the first year nothing gets worn out and it really doesn't have to be new stuff for it to be absolutely fine. We had some things second hand and then passed them on to my wife's younger sister when she had babies after us.
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